Alkūninio veleno rotatorius | Mercedes-Benz, MAN (6956) (Kodas: 6956)
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Gamintojas: BGS-technic
dual gear construction
for manual rotating of the crankshaft
allows accurat setting
is needed for setting the engine timing
suitable for the following engines: Mercedes-Benz 6-, 8- und 10-cylinder engines
MAN 12-cylinder-engines model 401, 404, 407, 409, 421, 424, 444, 427, 447 Technical data
Drive profile Internal square
Drive profile size, metric 12,5 mm
Drive profile size, inch 1/2 "
Gross weight 460 g
dual gear construction
for manual rotating of the crankshaft
allows accurat setting
is needed for setting the engine timing
suitable for the following engines: Mercedes-Benz 6-, 8- und 10-cylinder engines
MAN 12-cylinder-engines model 401, 404, 407, 409, 421, 424, 444, 427, 447 Technical data
Drive profile Internal square
Drive profile size, metric 12,5 mm
Drive profile size, inch 1/2 "
Gross weight 460 g